Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Busy Times

Without intentionally staying silent, these last couple of weeks have slipped by rather quickly. Due to my new job, and the acquisition of two kitties, my life has suddenly become filled with not-free-time. I'm enjoying the change immensely, as I was going a bit stir crazy these past few months, but the time between dinner and sleep seems to go much faster than it did just a few weeks ago.

The kitten's names are Mao (3 month old female, all black) and Mishkin (2 year old male, gray/black/tan tabbyish), and so far they haven't been too much trouble. Besides both having upper respiratory infections when we got them from the shelter, they've been adjusting to our apartment and each other just fine. The only problem we've had, really, is the fact that the apartment has a loft, with a balcony overlooking the living room. Almost immediately upon bringing them home, Mishkin discovered the balcony, and due to the 15 foot drop to the floor, we've had to block off the upstairs from them. While not a big deal, since the upstairs isn't used too frequently, we've ordered an extra-tall baby/large animal gate to solidify the barrier at the top of the stairs (currently consisting of taped-together pieces of cardboard attached to the upstairs bathroom door).

As far as my job goes, I am now the official Writing Intern for Catalyst Studios, an interactive design studio just outside downtown Minneapolis. While my relief at finally getting a job (and a paid one at that!) is certainly substantial, it is compounded by the fact that I'm actually doing something I want to be doing. Being able to express myself creatively through work is a fantastic thing to have, and hopefully my work will impress them during my three month internship and it will become long term. Whether this will be the case has yet to be seen, since the articles and case studies I've written so far are content intended for the upcoming website revamp, and thus don't have any current "value" for the success of the company. Hopefully, once I get more in the swing of things, I'll be able to take part in other writing-related tasks in upcoming projects. There are several in October that I'm really excited to be a part of because of the new way Catalyst is experimenting with in doing projects, but until then, I want to learn and get a hand in as much as I can.

One thing I'm finding is that I don't have the breadth (yet) that the other guys have. This is mainly due to having just graduated, and I'm reserving as many books as I can on the subjects of web usability, content strategy, and information architecture from the library in order to broaden my understanding of all the aspects that go into a project. Ultimately I'd like to gain some familiarity in programming language(s), but I'll have to see what I can glean from library books and what I'll have to get from actual courses.

Hopefully in the next few weeks, my life will settle into its new routine, and I'll be able to feel like I have more free time for reading, writing, posting, and anything else that makes it onto my "hobbies" list in the near future.

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